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铸铜鎏金 成就万丈佛光----再探佛像造像艺术历史


The art of Buddha is introduced into China and the soldiers are divided into five ways


Buddhism originated in ancient India in the sixth Century B.C., and Buddhism culture and Buddhism art spread with Buddhism, and began to merge and develop with cultures and Arts all over the world. There are many routes in India Buddhism entering China, and the art of Buddha in India is introduced into China, and it also shows the characteristics of many lines and Fan Weiguang.


In summary, there are five main routes:

南传陆路 从南亚诸地进入我国西双版纳地区传播,巴利文语系佛像艺术的主要传播路线。佛像造型以印度马吐腊风格和笈多风格为主。

The road from south to southern spread into Chinas Xishuangbanna region, the main route of transmission. The Pali Buddhist art. Statues in India Ma style and Gupta style wax spit.

陈巧生制 临山观音像 鎏金 佛像 摆件

Chen Qiaosheng Hill Guanyin Buddha gold ornaments

北传陆路 属于大乘佛教的犍陀罗佛像艺术从西北印度进入今阿富汗境内,进入中国的新疆、甘肃等地。现存于新疆的印度式佛寺石窟遗址,佛像都带有明显的犍陀罗特征。敦煌、麦积山等地的石窟造像带有浓厚印度风格,是佛像北传路线的有力证明。

North transfer land belongs to Mahayana Buddhist Gandhara Buddhist art from northwest India into Afghanistan today, in Xinjiang, Gansu and other places Chinese. Now in Xinjiang, India style Buddhist temple Grottoes statues are ruins, with obvious characteristics of gandhara. Dunhuang, Maijishan grotto statues and other places with strong India style, is a powerful proof of Buddha North transfer line.

北传藏道 从东印度北方经尼泊尔和喜马拉雅山进入西藏的陆路通道。公元13世纪,伊斯兰教进入印度,大批僧侣从此路线逃入西藏。带入印度波罗王时期的密教佛像,与西藏本地苯教(亦称本波教)佛像相结合,形成了具有明显特色的藏传佛像藏传佛像是明清两代佛像艺术的重要组成部分。

The North passageway from the north of East India through Nepal and Himalaya Range into the Tibet road. In the thirteenth Century, Islam entered India, and a large number of monks fled from this route to Tibet. Into the India Baltic period of King Tantric Buddha, and Tibet local BON (also known as the Buddha taught combined wave) formed the characteristic of Tibetan buddhist. The Tibetan Buddhist statue is an important part of the two generation of the Buddhas art in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.


In addition to these three main afferent pathway, and from the South China Sea Chinese seaway into waterways, Shu India road. Among them, India Theravada Buddhism through the Seaway into Burma, Thailand and other South Asian countries to enter the Chinese along the southeast coast of the Mahayana buddhism.

陈巧生制 藏金色持经观音手工仿古纯铜座佛佛像 摆件

Chen Qiaosheng was hiding gold held by Guanyin Buddha ornaments handmade antique copper seat


Early Buddha statue "India taste"


The statue of Buddhism is not accompanied by the creation of Buddhism. In the early days of the founding of Buddhism, Buddhists believed that the Buddha was a symbol of divine and supreme, only to meditate in the heart and not to make a concrete image. The early Buddhist art took the place of Buddhas footprints, lotus, Bodhi and other Buddhist beliefs to replac the Buddhas specific image.


The early Buddha statue, influenced by the artistic style of ancient Greek sculpture, paid attention to the application of the expression of human art to the statue of Buddha. For example, the facial features of many high ancient Buddhas are very similar to those of the Indians, and the proportions of the figure of the Buddha are well proportioned, and the muscles of each part are the same as those of the human.


The golden bronze statue of Buddha was called the golden man or the bronze statue in the early days of Buddhism. With the Gandhara, Ma La, Gupta art and spit in Nepal, Kashmir statues pattern and style was introduced into Chinese, has a deep influence on the early Chinese Buddha statue, face, clothing lines, decorated with a strong characteristic of India.

陈巧生制手工仿古纯铜 宣德色 阿弥陀佛踏莲像 佛像摆件

Chen Qiao Sheng handmade antique copper Xuande color Amitabha stepped lotus like Buddha ornaments


Sixteen in the period of Three Kingdoms

佛教自东汉传入中国之后,佛像造像兴起于东汉中晚期。东汉、三国一直到西晋时期,佛像还只是简单依附于中国原有的神 形象,多数见于墓葬之中。

After the introduction of Buddhism into China from the Eastern Han Dynasty, the statue of Buddha sprang up in the middle and late Eastern Han Dynasty. The Eastern Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms to the Western Jin Dynasty, Buddha also simply attached to the original image of God China, most found in the tombs.


In the period of the sixteen countries, the bronze statue of the Buddha appeared. The characteristics of this period as the Buddha head high meat bun, face facial deep, big eyes high nose, the clothes to shoulder. At the same time, it also presents a part of the trend of Sinization.

陈巧生制手工仿古纯铜 宣德色 大势至踏莲像 佛像 摆件

Chen Qiao Sheng handmade antique copper Xuande color mahasthamaprapta tread lotus like Buddha ornaments


The period of the northern and Southern Dynasties


On the one hand, the absorption characteristics of India style of Gandhara and Ma La spit of the northern and Southern Dynasties period of the Buddha statue, the integration of artistic style and a casting technique and Chinese culture. The hair was wavy, clothing to show partiality for shoulder. The Buddha statue of the Northern Dynasty is huge, the style is simple and rough, the face body is fat, and the spirit is solemn and serene. The Buddhist statues in the Southern Dynasties are characterized by a clear face. The late Northern Dynasties, Buddhist clothing began to appear in the Chinese style dress Dress of an ancient scholar.


The Sui and Tang Dynasties


The Sui Dynasty is a transitional period in the history of Buddhism, Buddhist statues style is affected by the Northern Zhou Dynasty, the Northern Qi Dynasty, and gradually mature, the pursuit of decorative changes to the Tang Dynasty, the transition, the statue began to appear in large numbers. In the Sui Dynasty statue Bodhisattva more.


The development of Buddhism in the Tang Dynasty reached its heyday, and the art of Buddha also reached the stage of prosperity and prosperity. During this period, the gold copper Buddha shows the characteristics of elegant. The facial features are full and round, the muscles are strong, the ornaments are complex and the ornaments are broad, which embodies the aesthetic characteristics of the Tang Dynasty.

陈巧生制手工仿古纯铜 宣德色 达摩祖师像 佛像 摆件

Chen Qiao Sheng handmade antique copper Xuande color founder Damour like Buddha ornaments


The period of the Five Dynasties and the two Song Dynasties


The five generation after the period of "the Buddhist Movement" resulted in a large number of Buddhist statues were destroyed, the Buddhist art from fading down, in a stagnant state of development. In the period of the two Song Dynasty, the art of the Buddha began to recover and have a new development. The characteristics of the Song Dynasty social development presents secularization, this period of the Buddha to realistic, style and aesthetic characteristics and social accord. The statue of Buddha in this period is loved by the public as Bodhisattva and Rohan, face or round or square. The Buddha wearing a crown or bun crown. A "V" V-neck frock Buddha drapery dress, is the Song Dynasty monk common clothing style.


Yuan dynasty


The palace of the Yuan Dynasty set up a specialized agency for the statue of Buddha - the Vatican lifting department. The Yuan Dynasty is a minority regime, the influence of this period of Chinese Buddhism weakens the influence of Tibetan Buddhism gradually expanded. The introduction of Buddhist statues in Nepal and Tibet formed the two style Buddha statues of "Han made" and "Tibetan", and also became the Buddhas art in this period.


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